Tag Archives: IDEA maven

Idea Maven Download Sources Error: Cannot download sources Sources not found for: xxx

error log


Execute the following command in the directory where the corresponding project pom.xml is located.
mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=sources

after the download, select the downloaded source jar package in the class file of idea decompilation:

after the download is completed

How to Solve IDEA maven Error:Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK


Mvncleaninstall-x-dmaven. Test. Skip = true PDEV package error:


Idea, project, Maven also set a unified JDK, or report an error.


Solution 1:

In Maven’s setting. XML file <profiles> Add the specified JDK version to the tag


Solution 2:

Add the Maven plug-in to the POM. XML file of the project, <plugins> Add JDK path to
