Tag Archives: InvalidSelectorError: Compound class names not permitted

InvalidSelectorError: Compound class names not permitted [How to Solve]

InvalidSelectorError: Compound class names not permitted报错处理

Environment: python3.6 + selenium 3.11 + chromedriver.exe

When we parse web pages, we always encounter a large number of tags, how to pinpoint these tags, there are also many ways.

Today, when I used find_element_by_class_name to get a node object, an error was reported Compound class names not permitted.

Original code.

selected_div = driver.find_element_by_class_name(‘next-pagination next-pagination-normal next-pagination-medium medium pagination’)

Modified code.

selected_div = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(“[class=’next-pagination next-pagination-normal next-pagination-medium medium pagination’]”)


selected_div = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(“.next-pagination.next-pagination-normal.next-pagination-medium.medium.pagination”)

Both pieces of code work fine to get the desired object.

To summarize.

When getting a tag object that contains multiple class names

it is recommended to use.



find_element_by_css_selector(“[class=’xx xxx xxxxx’]”)