Tag Archives: Laravel Error

Laravel uses group by to report errors [How to Solve]


Recently I am using Laravel 5.4 as a project, and an error will be reported when using group by in Eloquent ORM to group and query data. The error is as follows:

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1055 ‘field’ isn’t in GROUP BY

It turned out that the developer added a strict mode for the database after version 5.3. One of the developers had an interesting view on adding this mode:

the To BE Completely honest, the I do not at The Remember the What exactly were the Details, But some IT WAS the Sort of the Data-Loss problem.
Honestly, I forgot the specific details, the problem may be due to loss of data sorting .

The following problems will also occur in this mode:

1-Add all columns to group by.
Group by requires all columns.
2-Won’t be able to use date’s such as 0000-00-00 00:00:00.
Time cannot use the data of 0000-00-00 00:00:00.
3 -. Fields like boolean will throw fatal if you pass something that is not a boolean value, like 1, before it would convert it to true and save, with strict it fails
If the field is boolean type, but passed a non-boolean Such as “1” will throw a fatal error. In non-strict mode, it will be automatically converted to true and saved.
4-You’ll get an error if you divide a field by 0 (or another field that has 0 as value).
If a field is divided by 0, you will get an error (or another field with 0 value)


1.「full group by」

As the name implies: the select query field contains all the group by fields

2. Increase the “strict” key to false

Increase in /config/database.php

'connections' => [
    'mysql' => [
        'strict' => false,//增加此行

3 /config/database.php configure modes

'connections' => [
    'mysql' => [
        'modes' => [

Laravel Error: No application encryption key has been specified.


If there is no. Env in the root directory of the file

1. Change the name of. Env.example and use the command copy to. Env


php artisan key:generate Get the password and save it to. Env automatically

3. Copy the password to config/APP

Key in PHP


4. Rerun, OK

In case of. Env, proceed to the second step directly

Neither. Please re-install laravel