Tag Archives: No provider available for the service xxx from registry localhost:9090

[Solved] Dubbo Error: No provider available for the service xxx from registry localhost:9090

Dubbo operates as follows:

One service provider, one service consumer, service provider configuration parameter Dubbo.application.Name = AA, service consumer configuration parameter dubbo.cloud.subscribed-service=bb. Start the service provider first, then start the service consumer, then call the consumer interface to prompt the exception.

Error content:

org.apache.dubbo.rpc.RpcException: Failed to invoke the method sayHello in the service xxx. No provider available for the service xxx from registry localhost:9090 on the consumer [ip] using the dubbo version 2.7.3. Please check if the providers have been started and registered.

Cause of problem: due to negligence, the service provider Dubbo application. The value of name is consistent with the service consumer configuration Dubbo cloud. The value of the subscribed service is written inconsistently, resulting in the consumer unable to find the service provider according to the configuration at startup.

Solution: Modify the parameter value of the service consumer Dubbo.cloud.subscribed-service to the service provider Dubbo.application.Name.

There are many reasons for this problem. There are also some reasons on the Internet that are caused by the inconsistency between the versions of Dubbo and spring cloud. If the parameter configuration is not abnormal but still reports an error, it is recommended to modify the versions of spring boot, spring cloud and Dubbo. The versions of spring boot, spring cloud and Dubbo should be compatible.