Tag Archives: php7

Solve the problem of “uncaught error: class’ mysqli ‘not found” in php7

Specific solutions: https://www.jianshu.com/p/9d077b2f85bf

Found a lot of solutions on the Internet, only this can really solve the problem

Of course, the fundamental problem is that the mysqli library has not been found. We can use the following code to determine whether there is a mysqli Library:




function_ exists


‘mysqli_ init’


&& amp;


extension_ loaded
















The solution of losing vcruntime140.dll in the latest Apache installation

Php7 has been released for some time. It is said that there are some good improvements. The official also said that the speed is twice as fast as php5.6, and the performance has been greatly improved. In addition, the problem of migration from PHP5. X to php7 has also been released. Therefore, after the migration of PHP website in the future, the performance of the website can be greatly improved. Therefore, in order to try, I have also installed php7.0 locally on my computer.

The local installation of the computer is Wamp integration package, PHP is still in version 5.2; I went directly to Wamp’s official website to download the latest Wamp integration package, but when I installed httpd, I was prompted that there was a lack of vcruntime140.dll. I tried many ways to find a solution.

Visual C + + redistributable 2015 is required to run the latest version of Apache and php7 under windows, while the previous version does not need to be that high. This component is a necessary component to run the C + + application established by visual studio 2015. One time installation can solve the environmental problems. Go to the Microsoft official website to download the installation program, install it again, and restart the computer.

Download address: https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=48145

You can install both 64 bit and 32-bit.

Sharing experience is to make you less detours – Hua Weijun.

On the way of growing into a technology bull, we go together!

Finally, don’t believe this method recommended by Baidu. It’s useless and a waste of time!!!

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