Tag Archives: PHPStorm Run Error

PHPStorm Run Error: Failed to load JVM DLL


When starting phpstorm, you suddenly encounter the problem that phpstorm can’t be started. Prompt: failed to load JVM DLL, as shown in the figure:

2.Inquired the solution on the net

1. Modify the file of phpstorm 7.1.3, bin, phpstorm.exe.vmoptions as follows:


After the revision, there is no change and it is still unable to open

2. Check whether Microsoft Visual C + + 2010 redistributable package has been installed

A. download vcredist_ X86.exe, download address:

32 bit:http :// www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=5555

64 bit:http :// www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=14632

B. download completed, run, prompt has been installed, as shown in the figure:



1. Check whether the Java JDK has been installed, and check C: program files (x86) Java, or check Java_ HOME

2. If not, install Java JDK. Download address: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html

3. After running, configure Java environment, right-click computer – > Attribute – > Advanced system settings – > Advanced tab – > Environment variables – > New user variable Java_ Home, enter the address of Java JDK in the variable value, as shown in the figure below:

4. Check whether the configuration is correct, open CMD, run Java environment, and enter Java – version