Tag Archives: sudo: raspi-config: command not found

Raspberry Pi 4B+Ubuntu20.04 Solve Error sudo: raspi-config: command not found

Raspi config is pre installed in raspbian, but there is no built-in raspi config in Kali, Ubuntu mate, Ubuntu server, OSMC and other systems. However, the GUI setting of raspi config is sometimes relatively convenient. For example, Kali does not use the entire SD card space by default, and raspi config is the best extension tool for raspberry pie

Sometimes I may even uninstall raspi config in raspbian by mistake, and I have experienced it myself

How to manually install raspi config in other systems:

1. Download DEB package manually

wget http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/pool/main/r/raspi-config/raspi-config_20200601_all.deb

2. Solving dependency problems

sudo apt install lua5.1  libatopology2 libfftw3-single3 libsamplerate0 alsa-utils

3. Install the software

sudo dpkg -i raspi-config_20200601_all.deb

4. Running raspi config requires sudo or above permissions

sudo raspi-config

5. Raspi config can also run on the premise that the boot partition has been mounted normally

Check the device number of the boot partition first

fdisk -l

Then mount it to/boot (the following is an example, not necessarily mmcblk0p6, which needs to be determined according to the actual situation)

mount /dev/mmcblk0p6 /boot