Tag Archives: The Mix manifest does not exist.

laravel The Mix manifest does not exist.

This is because we use the mix () method in resources/views/layouts/APP. Blade. PHP , but we haven’t run laravel mix to compile, and we can’t find the mix manifest. JSON file, so we report an error. It’s OK. Next, we’ll solve this problem

Run laravel mix

Laravel mix is a front-end task automation management tool, which uses the mode of workflow to execute the formulated tasks in turn. Mix provides a simple and fluent API that allows you to define webpack compilation tasks for your laravel applications. Mix supports many common CSS and JavaScript preprocessors, and you can easily manage front-end resources through simple calls

It’s easy to use mix. First, you need to install NPM dependency with the following command. We will use yarn to install dependency. Before that, because of the domestic network, we need to configure the installation acceleration for yarn

yarn config set registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org

using yarn to install dependencies:

yarn install

after the installation is successful, run the following command:

npm run watch-poll

watch poll will run continuously in your terminal to monitor whether the resource files in the resources Folder have changed. When the watch poll command is running, once the resource file changes, webpack will automatically recompile