Vue new page Jump [Three Method to Use]

router link tab jump

<router-link to="/list/one">
    <span>link Jump</span>
// Adding parameters
<router-link :to="{path:'/list/two', query:{id:1,name:'vue'}}">
// Get parameters in subpages
id = this.$
// Open in the new Windows
<router-link :to="{path:'/list/three', query:{id:1,name:'vue'}}" target="_blank">


toList (e) {
   this.$router.push({path: "/list", query: {id: e}})
 // Adding parameters
 id = this.$
 toList (e) {
   this.$router.push({name: "/list", params: {id: e}})
 // Note that the address needs to be written after the name
 //parameter acquisition, params and query difference, query parameters are displayed in the address bar, params parameters are not displayed in the address bar
 id = this.$


//The difference between push and push is that push records a history, while replace does not.
 toList (e) {
   this.$router.replace({name: '/list', params: {id: e}})

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