zlib.h:no such file or directory

error: zlib.h:no such file or directory

I went to see the wrong file. There was such a sentence “include”

No such document?Then give it.

Then I searched zlib. H and found that it belongs to zlib.

Go to the next zlib.

Zlib address: http://www.zlib.net/

And then

Zlib Standard Installation Guide:

zlib library files are placed into /usr/local/lib and zlib header files are placed

into /usr/local/include, by default.

build static libraries

…/zlib-1.2.1]# ./configure

…/zlib-1.2.1]# make test

…/zlib-1.2.1]# make install

build shared libraries

…/zlib-1.2.1]# make clean

…/zlib-1.2.1]# ./configure –shared

…/zlib-1.2.1]# make test

…/zlib-1.2.1]# make install

…/zlib-1.2.1]# cp zutil.h /usr/local/include

…/zlib-1.2.1]# cp zutil.c /usr/local/include

/usr/local/lib should now contain…


libz.so -&> libz.so .1.2.1

libz.so .1 -&> libz.so .1.2.1

libz.so .1.2.1

/usr/local/include should now contain…




Optional zlib non standard installation instructions:

create the directory that will contain zlib

…/zlib-1.2.1]# mkdir /usr/local/zlib

follow the given procedure above, except

…/zlib-1.2.1]# ./configure –prefix=/usr/local/zlib

Update the run time linker

/etc/ ld.so.cache will need to be updated with the new zlib shared lib: libz.so .1.2.1

for standard zlib installation…

add /usr/local/lib to /etc/ ld.so.conf , if specified path is not present

/etc]# ldconfig

if zlib was installed with a prefix…

add /usr/local/zlib/lib to /etc/ ld.so.conf

/etc]# ldconfig

It’s loaded again. OK.

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