Fixing increasing Load_Cycle_Count on Ubuntu

After digging around on the Internet, I have formulated a solution. Thanks to the Linux Mint forum people as well.

The key was to keep the APM_Level at 254 as this will stop the hard drive from spinning down frequently.

Now I know one can do this:

sudo hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda

This is not a permanent solution, to make it permanent you need to edit the hdparm.conf file.

I did as follows:


gksudo gedit /etc/hdparm.conf

Add this line to the very end of the file:


/dev/sda {
    apm = 254
    apm_battery = 254

Reboot the laptop and type the following:


sudo hdparm -B /dev/sda

The APM_Level will be 254 for when you are plugged in or on battery.

You can verify that the
is not increasing at an alarming rate by typing the following in a terminal:


smartctl -a /dev/sda | grep Load_Cycle_Count

Now I know the battery life will be shortened ever so slightly, but I have not noticed any difference.

I am sure someone else has formulated a similar solution and that this might not be unique.

Hope this helps.

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