Mac environment and python + selenium environment are built to solve the error reporting problem of chromedriver


Create a new Python virtual environment and install selenium

Create a new Python project,


from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()



report errors:

‘chromedriver’ executable needs to be in PAT


What should I do?

Download chromedriver

Step 1: check your browser version and enter the URL: chrome://version/

Step 2: download the corresponding version of chromedrive at:

Step 3: put the package under the project directory,

Step 4: modify the code and add the file path of drive,

Here is the code:


from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="./chromedriver")



Then you can play happily. As long as you master the positioning and various operation APIs, you can basically get started and do your own projects,








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