Merfish error: error 1 libgrid.dylib not found [How to Solve]

OSError: dlopen(/Users/ncc-1701-enterprise/Documents/MERFISH_analysis/storm-analysis/storm_analysis/c_libraries/libgrid.dylib, 6): image not found


Find the source of the error according to the error track back:

~/Documents/MERFISH_analysis/storm-analysis/storm_analysis/sa_library/ in loadCLibrary(library_filename)

     62         library_filename = 'lib' + library_filename
     63         library_filename += '.dylib'
---> 64         return ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(c_lib_path, library_filename)

filename refers to storm here_analysis/sa_Library/grid.C seems to generate a .Dylib file from this file.

A brief description of the. Dylib format:

It’s not a hammer. Anyway, using GCC to generate a dynamic library .Dylib will solve the problem!

gcc -c draw_gaussians.c -o draw_gaussians.o
gcc draw_gaussians.o -dynamiclib -o libdraw_gaussians.dylib 
#That's it, generate it and move .dylib to the specified folder and you're done, don't hesitate.

#Or both can be integrated into the same command

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