Power BI background automatically refreshes Error: The operation was throttled by Power BI Premium because there were too many datasets being processed concurrently.

Recently, it has been found that our power Bi background frequently displays automatic refresh data error reports and alerts every day. The specific information is as follows (relevant sensitive information has been cleared)

Error reporting time point – 8/27/2021, 9:18:24 am (automatic refresh)/8/27/2021, 9:41:00 am (manual refresh)

Error code – you have reached the maximum allowable memory allocation for your tier. Consumer upgrading to a tier with more available memory. Table: stockxxx_ For_ xxx./The operation was throttled by Power BI Premium because there were too many datasets being processed concurrently. Please try again later.

Due to the failure of data refresh every night, the business colleagues view the data incompletely every day.

After careful inspection, it is found that:

The memory usage of power Bi service and concurrent refresh of data sets have reached the maximum allowed. Please refer to the document for details: https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/power-bi/admin/service-premium-what-is#how -capacities-function。

The following figure shows that the SKU of each power Bi has memory and parallel refresh limits. You can learn more from the documentation provided above.

Suggestions on Optimization found based on experience and various materials:

Remove part of the content from the premium capacity: if the content is only shared with power Bi Pro users, it may not be necessary to store the content in the premium capacity, and this part of the content can be properly removed from the premium capacity;

You can refer to the introduction of data refresh in power Bi or use incremental refresh to schedule refresh at idle time;

Improve the pricing layer and obtain higher resources;

You can refer to the introduction in optimizing advanced capacity for special optimization;

Use the power Bi premium capacity metrics app to monitor the performance of power Bi

I hope it can help you. Thank you for watching.

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