Yarn configures multi queue capacity scheduler

First configure the hadoop/etc/capacity-scheduler.xml file

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  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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   <!-- The maximum number of jobs the capacity scheduler can hold-->
      Maximum number of applications that can be pending and running.

  <!-- How much of the total resources of the queue can be occupied by the MRAppMaster process started in the current queue
        This parameter allows you to limit the number of submitted Jobs in the queue
      Maximum percent of resources in the cluster which can be used to run 
      application masters i.e. controls number of concurrent running

  <!-- What strategy is used to calculate when allocating resources to a Job
      The ResourceCalculator implementation to be used to compare 
      Resources in the scheduler.
      The default i.e. DefaultResourceCalculator only uses Memory while
      DominantResourceCalculator uses dominant-resource to compare 
      multi-dimensional resources such as Memory, CPU etc.

   <!-- What sub queues are in the root queue, new a, b queues are added----&>
      The queues at the this level (root is the root queue).

  <!-- Percentage of capacity occupied by the default queue in the root queue
        The capacity of all subqueues must add up to 100
    <description&>Default queue target capacity.</description&>
    <description&>Default queue target capacity.</description&>
    <description&>Default queue target capacity.</description>

    <!-- Limit percentage of users in the queue that can use the resources of this queue
      Default queue user limit a percentage from 0.0 to 1.0.
      Default queue user limit a percentage from 0.0 to 1.0.
      Default queue user limit a percentage from 0.0 to 1.0.

  <!-- The maximum value of the percentage of capacity occupied by the default queue in the root queue
      The maximum capacity of the default queue. 
      The maximum capacity of the default queue. 
      The maximum capacity of the default queue. 

    <!-- The state of the default queue in the root queue
      The state of the default queue. State can be one of RUNNING or STOPPED.
      The state of the default queue. State can be one of RUNNING or STOPPED.

      The state of the default queue. State can be one of RUNNING or STOPPED.

  <!-- Restrict users who submit to the default queue, i.e. access rights--&>
      The ACL of who can submit jobs to the default queue.
      The ACL of who can submit jobs to the default queue.
      The ACL of who can submit jobs to the default queue.
<!-- set as admin--&>
      The ACL of who can administer jobs on the default queue.
      The ACL of who can administer jobs on the default queue.
      The ACL of who can administer jobs on the default queue.

      Number of missed scheduling opportunities after which the CapacityScheduler 
      attempts to schedule rack-local containers. 
      Typically this should be set to number of nodes in the cluster, By default is setting 
      approximately number of nodes in one rack which is 40.

      A list of mappings that will be used to assign jobs to queues
      The syntax for this list is [u|g]:[name]:[queue_name][,next mapping]*
      Typically this list will be used to map users to queues,
      for example, u:%user:%user maps all users to queues with the same name
      as the user.

      If a queue mapping is present, will it override the value specified
      by the user?This can be used by administrators to place jobs in queues
      that are different than the one specified by the user.
      The default is false.


Use the refresh command after configuration

yarn rmadmin -refreshQueues

Then enter the yarn interface of the cluster, and you can see that the queue becomes three

Then the next step is how to set the job to run in other queues

You know, it’s up to mapred to decide which queue the job runs on- default.xml It’s decided in the document

So you need to change this configuration:

1. If idea is used, it can be used

conf.set (” mapred.job.queue .name”, “a”);

This specifies that the job should be run in the a queue

2. If you run jar package on Linux, you can use

hadoop jar hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.7.2.jar wordcount -D mapreduce.job.queuename=a/mapjoin/output3

As shown in the figure, the job switches to the a queue

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