Msgpack, like JSON, can be used across platforms, operating systems, multiple languages, and can be compressed efficiently
msgpack——It’s like JSON,but fast and small.
Msgpack will package the data into binary data. Its data format is similar to JSON, but it has done a lot of optimization on numbers, multi byte characters, arrays, etc. during storage, reducing useless characters and binary format. It also ensures that there is no increase in additional storage space caused by characterization, so the size of transmitted data is reduced to a great extent.
If the size of JSON data is compared to the size of watermelon, protobuf is the size of apple, and msgpack is the size of red bean, so msgpack has obvious advantages!
Msgpack official website:
Write a program using msgpack-c:
After writing, an error is reported when compiling with GCC
gcc cJSON.c main.c -o main.o -lm
Later, go online to find:
gcc cJSON.c main.c -o main.o -lm -lmsgpack
It is said on the Internet that there is no file under the search
find/-name can’t find
Later, I tried fuzzy search: find/- name * libmsgpack *, and the result was file
Then run: GCC cjson. C main. C – O main. O – lmsgpackc – LM No error reported
Finally, an error is reported when running the compiled file: error while loading shared libraries: libmsgpackc. So. 2: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory
Then I checked the Internet,
Run first echo $LD_ LIBRARY_ Path if there is no display, run the following command:
LD_ LIBRARY_ PATH=/usr/local/lib
Finally, run./main. O and find it successful
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