Springboot startup error yamlexception/malformedinputexception input length = 1

Test springboot locally, and the startup error is as follows:

21:04:19.284 [restartedMain] ERROR org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication - Application run failed
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load property source from location 'classpath:/application.yml'
	at org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener$Loader.load(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:545)
Caused by: org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException: java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1
Caused by: java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1

Finally, it is found that the encoding problem of application.yml file is changed from GBK to UTF-8

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