Tag Archives: EasyGBS

Waiting for ACK request when starting easygbs: call [809709832] cseq [127 invite] timeout [10s]

As you know, this year we first added webrtc playback protocol to easygbs, and then gradually popularized the protocol to other platforms such as easycvr and easynvr. At the same time, other protocols can also switch playback. Therefore, at present, easygbs can output video streams of four protocols. At the same time, easygbs also has two versions of windows and Linux, and different versions can be deployed as needed.

When many users use the Linux version of easygbs, they can play before and then suddenly can’t play, and the page will report an error: waiting for ACK request: call [809709832] cseq [127 invite] timeout [10s]

This problem is often encountered in sites with large access and concurrency. The reason is that the maximum number of Linux processes ulimit has run out, so there will be an error of too many open files in the log:

The default maximum number of processes in Linux is 1024. You can see with ulimit – A:

We can modify this quantity in the Linux server. First, enter the VI/etc/security/limit.conf file, and finally make the following configuration (take the setting parameter 65535 as an example), and then save it:

Then enter the command VI/etc/SYSTEMd/user.conf, make the following configuration and save it:

Finally, enter VI/etc/SYSTEMd/system.comf to make the following configuration, save and restart the server:

After restart, enter ulimit – A to see that the maximum number of open files has been changed to 65535. Here, the easygbs service can be used normally after restarting.


Easygbs runs with an error of too many open files and cannot play the video stream. How to adjust?

Easygbs, the national standard gb28181 protocol video intelligent analysis platform developed by tsingsee Qingxi video, is compatible with the content processing of four modules: acquisition, storage, display and alarm, and can provide video capability support for the construction of big data platform. Easygbs does not depend on a specific big data platform. It can flexibly access different big data platforms and support the third-party system to consume data directly from the message queue for further secondary system development.

Some users may get stuck or cannot play when using easygbs. This situation is mostly due to the problem of setting. After adjustment, this problem can be avoided. Of course, different problems need to be investigated according to the actual situation, and the solutions are also different. Some users have too many open files when easygbs is running, which makes the live video stream unable to play. In this article, we share the solution to this problem.

Actually, this problem is caused by the Linux system. You can use ulimit – A to check the number of open files:

If the program needs to use more, you need to enter the temporary command (root permission) ulimit – N quantity (10240)

After checking, you will find that the open files has increased from 1024 to 10240. Restart the easygbs service again to find that the video stream is playing normally, and the too many open files error will not be reported.


What is the reason why the easygbs client calls token and reports an error “refer to set unsafe header” cookie “

Tsingsee Qingxi video has modified the token authentication mechanism for the existing cloud edge architecture products. Due to the change of this mechanism in the new version, the way of our integration call has also changed. In the use of some easygbs users, the customer invokes the token, which will cause the problem of using the “cookie” to set unsafe header. Calling the token fails and cannot log in.

In the original mechanism, the token is written into the cookie, and the login can be realized by calling the browser cache every time. This method can be called normally before, but the new version of Google browser cannot carry cookies across domains, so an error will be reported when calling here.

If customers encounter this problem when using, they must first update the latest version of easygbs, which must be above 1.4.9.

First use the front-end to get the token, and then write the token as the transmission parameter method into Ajax for calling.

If some users don’t understand the definition of token, you can read our previous blog posts to learn about the complete solution of token mechanism in easy series video platform of streaming media server. Of course, easygbs or other streaming media platforms can also be downloaded and tried directly. You are welcome to test.