Tag Archives: ETH

Ethereum eth cannot transfer money. The status has always been the reason for the pending status and the solution

Someone must have encountered the same problem as me. There are still some eth in the account, but one transaction has been in the pending state, resulting in all subsequent transactions stuck. Unless this pending transaction is packaged by miners. Please pay attention to nonce. Since each transaction nonce of each account is incremental, if you trade again with the nonce of the successful transaction, you will definitely report an error nonce too low. If you choose to cancel the transaction, you should pay attention to that there will still be a service charge. In fact, the essence of canceling the transaction is to speed up the transaction, but the transfer amount becomes 0, but the service charge will still be deducted. After successful cancellation, the block browser will find an additional transaction with 0 transfer amount

1. It is found that an order has been in the pending state, and all subsequent transactions cannot be carried out normally

2. Solution, by setting a higher gasprice to override or replace the transaction

3. Next, the account can be transferred normally

PS: the key is, again – > The same nonce and higher gasprice. If it is a metamask transaction, you can override the transaction by setting advanced reset account