Tag Archives: Installation failed with message Invalid File…..

Android Studio Real machine failed to run: Installation failed with message Invalid File…..

I often encounter Android Studio pop-ups when running Android projects on some real machines:

Installation failed with message Invalid File: K:\project\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\with_ImageProcessor\debug\slices\slice_0.apk. It is possible that this issue is resolved by uninstalling an existing version of the apk if it is present, and then re-installing.

WARNING: Uninstalling will remove the application data!

Do you want to uninstall the existing application?

After clicking OK, it shows Session ‘app’: Error Installing APK failed to run at the bottom left.


Step 1: ClickBuildtab —>Clean Project

Step 2: ClickBuildtab —>Build APK

Step 3: Run.
