Tag Archives: jenkins

Solve the problem of “error: error fetching remote repo ‘origin'” in Git on Jenkins

What are the eight life cycle hook functions of Vue>>>

solve the problem of “error: error fetching remote repo ‘origin'” in Git on Jenkins

Reference article:

(1) Solve the problem of “error: error fetching remote repo ‘origin'” in Git on Jenkins

(2) https://www.cnblogs.com/feng0520/p/9070071.html

Let’s make a note.

The solution of Jenkins’ error ‘gradle build daemon appeared unexpectedly’

Why are there a series of technical challenges behind “OMG buy it”>>>

Jenkins reported the problem of ‘gradle build daemon appeared unexpectedly’ to solve

Reference article:

(1) The solution of Jenkins’ error ‘gradle build daemon appeared unexpectedly’

(2) https://www.cnblogs.com/liushengchieh/p/9729786.html

Let’s make a note.

Jenkins configuring SVN Error: javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: handshake alert: unrecognized_name

Recently, I was learning Jenkins. When configuring SVN, I found that there are always errors


javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: handshake alert: unrecognized_ name


This error was encountered when using the SVN plug-in of idea. Just add the following code to the Java parameter:



In Jenkins, use the following method to solve the problem:

1. If you start from the command line, add the following (brilliant part) at startup:

@echo off
set JENKINS_ HOME=D:\jenkins
D:\jdk1.7.0_ 40\bin\java -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false -jar %JENKINS_ HOME%\jenkins.war –httpPort=8000

2. Open jenkins.xml file in Jenkins directory when starting windows service, and add it in the following parts:

< arguments>- Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false -Xrs -Xmx256m -jar “%BASE%\jenkins.war” –httpPort=8000 -Dhudson.lifecycle=hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle</ arguments>


Jenkins ios rror: No signing certificate “iOS Distribution” found: No “iOS Dist…

The error prompt is as follows:

error: No signing certificate "iOS Distribution" found: No "iOS Distribution" signing certificate matching team ID "YQL2NV3V7T" with a private key was found. (in target 'HelloWorld')


The answers found on the Internet are all like this. It doesn’t work even if you try

Jenkins encountered problems in automatically building IOS package signature


Before compiling, add security unlock Keychain – P “your password” “path to Keychain/login. Keychain”

The root cause is Jenkins, SSH mode to slave machine, default is no account, but access to the key chain must have user identity, so add a step to enter the password to unlock the key chain, you can give Jenkins a user identity. Add a step to unlock the key chain before the build step. security unlock-keychain -p “login pwd” ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain



Modification process:

It’s a matter of system user rights

I put Tomcat + Jenkins in the root directory

However, the certificate configured by Xcode is in a subdirectory under login user/user/Wangju

Then start Jenkins. The. Jenkins directory is also generated in the/user/Wangju directory

It’s not easy to use many methods. Finally, I moved Jenkins’ installation directory to/user/Wangju/Library Directory

start Tomcat again, log in Jenkins , execute the packing command, and the amazing thing is that the packing is successful. Now it’s still a bit confusing, but it’s finally solved this problem. I want to cry when I see that I can type the xcatchive file. From about 7 pm yesterday to 11 pm, I have been thinking about this problem, and then to 11 pm today, it’s almost 7 hours, and I finally don’t need to re install the system to get it done. Let’s have a good time

Attach a path of Tomcat startup file

This problem is repeated again, and the solutions are as follows:

CD to Tomcat file installation directory

Stop Tomcat service

Start Tomcat service

After restarting tomcat, the Java icon appears on the desktop. It’s strange that Jenkins can also be used before, but there is no Java icon on the desktop?It is suspected that there is something wrong with the way I started tomcat, so after the computer was restarted, Jenkins packaging was affected

It seems that this is the reason

note: when I use launch to start tomcat, the program execution is normal, but I can’t start the service, and the permission modification is done, but it’s still useless

———————-Dividing line———————-

In addition, I also changed the permissions of the user directory where the certificate is located. I don’t know if there is such a reason

Select system preferences & gt> Sharing can be configured


I also moved these files in the directory of/user/xxx/library/keychains to the directory of/var/root/library/keychains. I tried, but it didn’t seem to work. Finally, I deleted the copied files

Now I don’t know which step affects the final result after so many operations, but if I encounter the problem of IOS packaging again, I will definitely not change the system configuration file (before configuration, I changed the Mac computer name, administrator user name and home directory, but it’s strange that I changed the administrator user name to ABC, CBA is always displayed on the command line. I don’t know if this is the cause of my configuration error. User rights, etc.)

I think this kind of answer may also be OK, but I didn’t try

Note: the password can be added to the credential. If Jenkins is downloaded from the root user, please change/etc/sysconfig/Jenkins to root, otherwise an error will be reported; Or create a new ordinary user, and modify it

Then restart: Service Jenkins restart

How does MAC uninstall Jenkins

Yesterday, when I installed Jenkins, I found that my Mac had already installed Jenkins, and I forgot my password. So I searched a lot of technical blogs, but I spent several hours without finding them. Finally, I found them on foreign websites http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11608996/how-to-uninstall-jenkins
The first time I wrote a blog, it was wrong. I’m sorry

First, uninstall Jenkins, open your Mac terminal, enter the following command/or find your Jenkins file, double-click the folder to run install. Command

2. Delete some configurations that may be forgotten

sudo rm -rf /var/root/.jenkins ~/.jenkins

3. If the old Jenkins version cannot be found, use the following command

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist
sudo rm -rf /Applications/Jenkins "/Library/Application Support/Jenkins" /Library/Documentation/Jenkins

4. Delete all the contents of Jenkins folder

sudo rm -rf /<User you replace>/Shared/Jenkins

5. Delete user and group

sudo dscl . -delete /Users/jenkins
sudo dscl . -delete /Groups/jenkins

6. The following command is also uninstalled from the newer version of Jenkins in the script

sudo rm -f /etc/newsyslog.d/jenkins.conf
pkgutil --pkgs | grep 'org\.jenkins-ci\.' | xargs -n 1 sudo pkgutil --forget

Unknown error: cannot find chrome binary

Problem Description:

After executing selenium test cases in pcharm, it can run normally

Integrated in Jenkins. When building, it is found that the build is successful. However, when viewing the console output, an error is reported: unknown error: cannot find chrome binary

The reason is that Chrome browser cannot be found and chrome.exe environment variable configuration is missing


Configuration build execution status:

1. Back to Jenkins home page, click “build execution status” or “build executor status”, and local information will be listed on the right

2. Click the local settings button to add the directory of chrome.exe in the path

3. Click build now again and the execution is successful