Tag Archives: –proxy XXX has no server available

How to Solve Haproxy Error–proxy XXX has no server available

Use haproxy to configure cluster load balancing in the debugging environment, and haproxy starts normally. The content is as follows:

But when the configuration is migrated to the test environment, haproxy is restarted, and an error is displayed as shown in the figure below:

Checking information on the Internet, some bloggers said that the system environment was optimized in the optimization project. After clearing the optimized data, restart haproxy to start normally.

Our test environment has not done similar operations, so the content of this blog post is meaningless to us. But the haproxy of the test environment was used as a proxy server for other projects, so it was modified according to the previous configuration, and the proxy source server address parameter was deleted, as follows

Then restart haproxy, ./sbin/haproxy -f ./conf/haprxoy.cfg. The startup is successful, and the application can be accessed normally through the proxy. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a problem with the parameters that configure the source server address. Remove one by one parameter, remove check inter 10s. haproxy can also be normal

start up. The specific reason why check inter 10s is added still needs further verification.