Show a column model
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace app\model;
use think\Model;
* @mixin \think\Model
class Column extends Model
public function articles()
return $this->belongsToMany(Article::class, 'column_article', 'article_id', 'column_id');
public function hasArt($article_id)
return $this->articles()->where('id', $article_id)->count();
Wrong package when using
constraint violation: 1052 Column 'id' in where clause is ambiguous...
The reason for the error is that the relationship model of ThinkPHP does not know which table ID it is,
Here, we need to know which table it belongs to when sorting, so we also need to specify the table name when using it (Note: it needs to be prefixed)
public function hasArt($article_id)
return $this->articles()->where('', $article_id)->count();
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