bash :startx command not found 42480307/article/details/90451931

Phenomenon: after logging into Linux, when entering the desktop with the command startx, an error is reported: bash: startx command not found

Reason: desktop is not installed on the system

Solution: Yum groupinstall “X window system” – > Prepare to download the installation package. I will tell you the size of the installation package before downloading; Enter y to confirm the download

yum groupinstall “Gnome”——> Prepare to download the installation package. I will tell you the size of the installation package before downloading; Enter y to confirm the download

Enter startx to start desktop
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copyright notice: This is the original article of CSDN blogger “Harrold”, which follows the CC 4.0 by-sa copyright agreement. Please attach the link to the original source and this notice
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