Database “C:/Users/com/test” not found, either pre-create it or allow remote database creation (not recommended in secure environments) [90149-200] 90149/90149


1. Download installation package

H2 official website:

H2 tutorial:

2. Install H2 database

Select the installation directory -> Click Next -> Installation -> Complete

3. Log in to H2 database

The advantage of selecting the installation version is that there is an H2 console} icon after installation. Click the icon to directly start H2 and use the default browser to access the H2 login page

However, the H2 database of win 2019-10-14 does not automatically create a test database, so you can’t log in here

The error information is as follows:

Database “C:/users/COM/test” not found, either pre create it or allow remote database creation (not recommended in secure environments) [90149-200] 90149/90149 (help)

4. Login error resolution

1. Click the small yellow icon under the taskbar and select Create a new database

Select the installation path C:\users\com

Note: H2 database is installed under C:\users\com by default (COM is the system user name)

After the creation is successful, a new test will be created in the directory mv. DB file

Test again and the connection is successful

5. Data import and export

(1) Data export

CALL CSVWRITE('D:\Hadoop\H2\hello_world.csv', 'SELECT * FROM hello_world');

(2) Data import

CREATE TABLE hello_world  AS SELECT * FROM CSVREAD('D:\Hadoop\H2\hello_world.csv')

(3) Data insertion

INSERT INTO hello_world SELECT * FROM CSVREAD('D:\Hadoop\H2\hello_world.csv');

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