MAC Navicat Premium 15.0.22 Failed to save password Error code: -34018

Problems arise

The local system version is MacOS Big Sur 11.1, and the Navicat version is 15.0.22
when we create a new connection or edit an old connection, check Save password , and click Save to pop up:

Failed to save password
Error code: -34018

Although it does not affect this login, you will need to re-enter your password the next time you log in.

Cause of the problem

Recently, two PJ versions are not perfect.

After reading many blogs, one blogger plagiarized the other and wrote the following command to solve the problem:

cd /Library/Keychains
sudo rm -r *

But this is not only unsuccessful, but also causes the key chain of MAC cache to be lost, making icloud login invalid and device association broken.

Problem solving

Practice success: you can first put the 15.0.20 version back to cover the current version 15.0.22 , after saving the password under the old version , if there is a need to use the new version , then use the new version to cover it.

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