Database “C:/Users/com/test” not found, either pre-create it or allow remote database creation (not recommended in secure environments) [90149-200] 90149/90149


1. Download installation package

H2 official website:

H2 tutorial:

2. Install H2 database

Select the installation directory -> Click Next -> Installation -> Complete

3. Log in to H2 database

The advantage of selecting the installation version is that there is an H2 console} icon after installation. Click the icon to directly start H2 and use the default browser to access the H2 login page

However, the H2 database of win 2019-10-14 does not automatically create a test database, so you can’t log in here

The error information is as follows:

Database “C:/users/COM/test” not found, either pre create it or allow remote database creation (not recommended in secure environments) [90149-200] 90149/90149 (help)

4. Login error resolution

1. Click the small yellow icon under the taskbar and select Create a new database

Select the installation path C:\users\com

Note: H2 database is installed under C:\users\com by default (COM is the system user name)

After the creation is successful, a new test will be created in the directory mv. DB file

Test again and the connection is successful

5. Data import and export

(1) Data export

CALL CSVWRITE('D:\Hadoop\H2\hello_world.csv', 'SELECT * FROM hello_world');

(2) Data import

CREATE TABLE hello_world  AS SELECT * FROM CSVREAD('D:\Hadoop\H2\hello_world.csv')

(3) Data insertion

INSERT INTO hello_world SELECT * FROM CSVREAD('D:\Hadoop\H2\hello_world.csv');

Redis Connect Error: It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s); to create a disconnected multiple

It was not possible to connect to the redis server (s); to create a disconnected multiplexer, disable AbortOnConnectFail. SocketFailure on PING

Just add abortconnect = false to our connection string,abortConnect=false

[Solved] Springboot Integrate Swagger2 3.0.0 Error: Failed to start bean ‘documentationPluginsBootstrapper’

Add dependency


Write swagger2 configuration class

@Enablewebmvc annotation can solve

Failed to start bean ‘documentationpluginsbootstrapper’

public class Swagger2Config {


Start the project and enter the web address

Swagger2.2.x. The website of version x is


For versions of swagger2 after 3.0.0, the website is


[Solved] fsync: failed to connect to (

The server address has been updated, the original address has been updated to the new address
You need to change the URL of the corresponding command:


vim /usr/sbin/greenbone-nvt-sync
vim /usr/sbin/greenbone-scapdata-sync
vim /usr/sbin/greenbone-certdata-sync

We are seeing no further transitions from old server to new server Since the server will simply not be available beyond September 30th, we decided the following steps to make all users of the deprecated server aware of the situation:

  • On September 1st 2020 we stop updating the Greenbone Community Feed as served via
  • On the same day we add a VT that alerts for any scanned host a highest severity and it will inform about the options to either change the server name for the Greenbone Community Feed or to go with a professional Greenbone product.

and replacing the url, it started downloading the feeds!

Please note that this is not required if you have build GVM-20.08 as this release already includes the sync script pointing at the updated feed server.

If you had to change the URL you probably have some older sync scripts in your PATH which takes precedence over the updated ones from GVM-20.08.

I would strongly suggest to check how you have build your setup and to remove remains / leftovers from your old installation (at least the sync scripts are still the ones from an older GVM installation if you had to change the URL).

If the suggestion isn’t followed you might get into trouble into the future due to using outdated sync scripts not getting any updates.

[Solved] Jupiter notebook failed to start Error: DLL load failed


1. Check whether it is in the virtual environment

If you start the python virtual environment and run Jupiter notebook on the command line of the virtual environment, the above DLL load failed error will appear

So when you want to start Jupiter notebook in a virtual environment. First use PIP install Jupiter in a virtual environment

2. Check the configuration environment variables

Add the following two paths to the environment variable

Mac uniapp Compile Error: sass-loader [How to Solve]

Sass loader occurs when uniapp is packaged and compiled

Error message: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):

As shown below:

Solution: sass-loader version problem

The original version was:

"sass-loader": "^7.1.0",

Amend to read:

"sass-loader": "8.0.2",

As shown in the figure:

[Solved] spark-shell Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: namenode

When starting spark shell with spark on yarn, an error is found:

If the host named namenode cannot be found, there should be an error in the configuration file.

After checking, it is found that it is spark defaults The conf file is incorrectly configured. When configuring, the above file is copied directly, resulting in forgetting to modify it to node1, so you must be careful when configuring

Perfect solution after change

I’ve always made low-level mistakes recently. It’s hard 🤦 ‍