Entanglement web app (six sided jigsaw puzzle)

Plug in introduction:

For the friends who often face computer work, a game that can let you relax is essential. Today I recommend a small game to spend leisure time. Entanglement is a six sided puzzle game made by gopherwood studio for you, trying to make the longest road possible. Rotate and place hexagonal tile etch paths to extend your path without running to the wall.


Add the entanglement web app to chrome and launch it in the app.

Function introduction:

-Challenge mode; you can constantly challenge your own or other people’s records.
-Cherry Grove: the entanglement of a completely new game mode! You have a spacious garden surrounded by cherry trees, but you only have a few tiles, play their power to get more tiles by guiding your path through a cherry tree.
-Henna flower – a new flower graph entangled with the original rule. The map is bigger, but petals offer an interesting challenge.
-Lotus petals – a new little map of entanglement also uses the original rules. It’s a great training base to practice your abilities, strings, long paths and plan future moves.
-Daily challenge: daily challenge for entangled players! All users are given exactly the same number of tiles in a single competitive strategy for the daily champion!

http://www.chrome001.com/ Google plug-in Daquan will be updated for you for a long time.

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