How to log off the computer after inactivity

Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject(” Scripting.FileSystemObject “)
dim systemfolder
const systemfolderflag = 1
‘bind FSO object, take% systemroot% directory
set systemfolder= fso.GetSpecialFolder (systemFolderFlag)

Dim WshShell
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject (” WScript.Shell “)
‘installation Winexit.src
fso.copyfile ” winexit.scr “,systemFolder+”\\ winexit.scr “
WshShell.RegWrite “HKCU\Control Panel\Screen Saver.Logoff \”,””,”REG_ SZ”
WshShell.RegWrite “HKCU\Control Panel\desktop\ SCRNSAVE.EXE “, systemFolder+”\\ winexit.scr “,”REG_ SZ “
‘setting screen saver is available
” WshShell.RegWrite “HKCU\Control Panel\desktop\ScreenSaveActive”,1,”REG_ SZ “
‘set the duration of screen saver 600s
” WshShell.RegWrite “HKCU\Control Panel\desktop\ScreenSaveTimeOut”,200,”REG_ SZ”

the scheme of log off when the computer is idle for 15 minutes| winexit.scr Group policy deployment

Computer idle 15 minutes to log off the program| winexit.scr Group policy deployment. There are a number of public computers in the company. When someone uses them well, they leave the computer and do not cancel their account. After 15 minutes, the computer will be locked and the administrator must be asked to unlock it or shut it down. Is there a plan to automatically cancel the computer when it is idle for 15 minutes?My company has an Internet bar. I want an account to enable this group policy when I log in to the Internet bar, but not when I log in to the work computer. How can I do that?

Answer: according to my research, Microsoft Windows 2000 resource kit includes a Winexit.scr Tool, you can use it to automatically exit the user’s program and log the user off the workstation. For detailed operation steps, please refer to the following link:

how to: in Windows XP Users are forced to quit the program and log out after a certain period of inactivity
screen saver and logout are two different concepts. Logout needs to stop open applications, while screen saver does not need to stop open applications. We can’t log off the computer automatically after a period of idle time through group policy. We can activate “Screen Saver”, set “screen saver executable name” and “screen saver timeout” through group policy – user configuration – management template – control panel – display. However, the policy is for users, not for computers. When the policy takes effect for user a, it will take effect no matter which computer user a logs on to.

We can’t automatically log off users through WMI filtering. Winexit.scr The tool can achieve your requirements, the tool is not an ordinary screen saver, it can be forced to log off the current application, and ordinary screen saver does not have this function.

Wang Zhengmao online technical support engineer Microsoft global technical support center

Winexit.scr To meet your needs, you can set up an Ou in which only computers in Internet cafes are placed, and then implement policies for the Ou to winexit.scr Deploy to the computer of the Internet bar, and then winexit.scr Specify as the screen saver and set the time for the screen saver to 15 minutes. In this way, when the idle time reaches 15 minutes, the computer of the Internet bar will execute winexit.scr To force the current logged on user to log off.

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