ADB Server Didn’t ACK, failed to Start Daemon settlement record

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After meeting this problem, I saw many solutions on the Internet, one of which is:

turn off eclipse

turn adb.exe off in Task Manager

enter the directory where the ADB is located, and then execute the ADB start server. If it is successfully executed, the problem will be solved (I did not try this method, but just record it here for reference.)

If the problem hasn’t been solved by trying this method, it may be that the port is occupied. Many people say that the port is occupied by 360 or popular programs. When I see these solutions, I can’t help feeling that I should have installed 360 at the beginning. In this way, when I encounter problems, I will have a solution that I don’t even need to think about – unload 360 first. However, why did not install ah, only their own regular check

Open the terminal and check the reason why it can’t be executed:

adb nodaemon server

After inputting the command, you can see the output of the terminal:

cannot bind ‘tcp:5037’

Port 5037 is occupied. At this time, we need to find out who has occupied this port. The command is as follows:

View the occupancy of a port: lsof – I: port number

End the process occupying the port: kill process name

After killing the port, re enable it, and then my ADB can be used

There is also the problem of adbconnectionerror: EOF. This solution is not troublesome, but it often causes some egg pain

The general solution is to restart eclipse. Many times, the problem is solved by restarting eclipse once. Of course, there are times when the restart doesn’t work. You can try this method at this time

Enter: ADB kill server
in the terminal

sudo adb devices

It’s OK when you see that there’s an output called “daemon started successfully.”

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