In vmware10, centos7 mounts the shared folder of windows host, and prompts: error: cannot mount filesystem: no such device

1. Set sharing permissions

Write picture description here

2. Install VMware tools

Write picture description here

  • Click on the virtual machine
  • Click to install VMware tools
  • Copy VMwareTools-9.6.2-1688356.tar.gz in the /run/media/zhaojq/VMware\ Tools directory to the home directory
  • Generate vmware-tools-distrib after decompression
  1. [zhaojq @localhost vmware-tools-distrib] $ ls
  2. bin doc etc FILES INSTALL installer lib

Run ./

[zhaojq@localhost vmware-tools-distrib]$ ./ 

Keep enter

  1. The path “” is not valid path to the gcc binary.
  2. Would you like to change it? [yes] no
  3. Enter no
  4. At The path “” IS not A! Valid path to at The 3.10 .0 – 514.26 .2.el7.x86_64 Kernel
  5. headers.
  6. Would you like to change it? [yes] no
  7. Enter no

Return after successful installation

  1. Enjoy ,
  2. – – at The VMware Team

2. Mount the shared folder of the Windows host

mnt/hgfs directory

  1. [zhaojq @localhost ~] cd /mnt/hgfs/
  2. [zhaojq @localhost hgfs] pwd
  3. /mnt/hgfs

vmware-hgfsclient command to view the current shared directory

  1. [zhaojq @localhost hgfs] $ vmware-hgfsclient
  2. E

mount error

  1. [zhaojq @localhost hgfs] $ sudo mount -t vmhgfs. host:/ E /mnt/hgfs
  2. Error : cannot mount filesystem: No such device


vmhgfs-fuse, need to install toolkit

  1. [zhaojq @localhost hgfs] $ yum install open-vm-tools-devel -y
  2. [zhaojq @localhost hgfs] $ vmhgfs-fuse. host:/ E /mnt/hgfs


3. View the mount

Note: Root privileges are required to view.

Disk E of the Windows host

Write picture description here

Mount situation under Centos virtual machine

  1. [root@localhost hgfs] # ls
  2. jashkenas-coffeescript- 1.12 . 6- 0-gf0e9837 .tar .gz LeaRun agile background development framework_6 . 3 .4 $RECYCLE .BIN System Volume Information
  3. LeaRun_6 . 3 .4 .zip node-v6 . 11 .1-linux-x64 .tar .xz redis- 3.2 . 9 .tar .gz


Mounted successfully

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