[Solved] Jupyter notebook Startup Crash Error in Tensorflow Environment: ssl.SSLError: Unknow error (_ssl.c:4034)

I tried many methods and saw an explanation on the Internet. I think it should be the python version, so I upgraded the python version in Anaconda navigator. Then enter in Anaconda prompt

You can successfully open the Jupiter notebook page

Here’s how to upgrade Python

[Solved] Centos8 Install ntpdate Error: No match for argument: ntpdate

In the centos8 system, the original time synchronization service NTP/ntpdate service is no longer available. Install it using Yum and the prompt no longer exists

Previous versions: Yum install – y NTP

centos8:yum -y install chrony

At this time, the temporary synchronization time method is: chronyd – Q ‘server NTP ntsc. ac.cn iburst’

[Solved] SQL Server2008 Install Progress to SqlBrowserConfigAction_install_ConfigNonRC_Cpu32 Error

When Windows Server 2012 R2 installs SQL Server 2008 R2, the installation proceeds to sqlbrowserconfigaction_ install_ ConfigNonRC_ Cpu32 always reports an error

An unauthorized operation was attempted
click Retry to retry the failed operation. Click Cancel to cancel the operation and continue the installation.


First go to the control panel

Click uninstall program

After successful uninstall

Win + R runs regedit to open the registry and delete it

HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Redist

Then install SQL Server 2008 R2

[Solved] C# Error: Could Not Find Net Framework Data ProVider, It may not be installed.

If the problem is reported incorrectly, the screenshot is as above, and the solution is as follows

Step 1: find MySQL in [reference] Version number in data

The second step is on the web Add the following configuration to config

			<add name="MySQL Data Provider" invariant="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" description=".Net Framework Data Provider for MySQL" type="MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlClientFactory, MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d"/>

Note that the version of the above configuration information needs to be changed to the mysql. XML you just viewed Data version number

Then switch to release, regenerate the solution, regenerate the project, and republish.

However, it is strange that I need to delete this configuration information when running locally; This configuration information needs to be added when the server is running

I don’t know why.

[Solved] HiC-Pro mergeSAM.py Error: Forward and reverse reads not paired. Check that BAM files have the same read names and are sorted.

Error message

 Forward and reverse reads not paired. Check that BAM files have the same read names and are sorted.


The prompt is that there is no sorting or R1 and R2 are not paired. Manually sort and then run HIC Pro step by step

samtools sort -@ 10 -n -m 10G -T temp1 xxxR1.bam > xxxR1.sort.bam
samtools sort -@ 10 -n -m 10G -T temp2 xxxR2.bam > xxxR2.sort.bam
mv xxxR1.sort.bam xxxR1.bam
mv xxxR1.sort.bam xxxR1.bam

be careful

It cannot be sorted by chromosome position, because HIC Pro needs pairing relationship in processing HIC data, so BAMS of R1 and R2 need to be sorted by name

-M cannot be set too low. If the HIC sequencing depth is high, there will be too many sorting process files and cannot be merged

It is best to set – t because there is a lot of IO interaction at this time.

Finally, modify and name the ordered documents according to their original names.

It cannot be executed with nohup, because it will redirect characters in standard output to BAM, resulting in some strange errors. You can use screen.


[antd vue Update] Some Components Error: Error in data(): “TypeError” & Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘pageSize’)

As mentioned, due to the previous upgrade of the antd vue framework, and the vue version has not been upgraded, a series of error issues have been reported

1. Cannot read properties of undefined (reading’pageSize’)
2. Error in data(): “TypeError”
3. Cannot set properties of undefined (setting’selectedRowKeys’)

Looking at the code, there is no problem with the corresponding parameter configuration, but the
best solution is to upgrade the matching dependency.

ant-design – vue 1.7.4 must use vue@^2.6.0 version, so you can upgrade vue, I personally test and upgrade the latest version @ 2.6.14

Specific steps:

1. Delete package-lock.json first, so that the installation dependencies can take effect
. 2. Manually find the corresponding vue and vue-template-compiler in node_modules to prevent incomplete updates. The latter depends on the former, and the version number must be consistent@ 2.6.14
3. Modify the version of vue and vue-template-compiler in package.json to @2.6.14, and save it
. 4. Run npm install to update and upgrade dependencies. After
updating, you can run npm run dev to debug and develop

[Solved] class java.lang.RuntimeException/error reading Scala signature of package.class: Scala signature package has wrong version

An error occurred while connecting spark with Scala:

scalac: error while loading package, class file 'C:\Users\asus\. ivy2\cache\org. scala-lang\scala-library\jars\scala-library-2.13. 7.jar(scala/reflect/package.class)' is broken
(class java.lang.RuntimeException/error reading Scala signature of package.class: Scala signature package has wrong version
expected: 5.0
found: 5.2 in package.class)

Because of the version conflict, the SDK version of scala added by the compiler is consistent with the version of POM file

Open file >> Project Structure >> Global librarier can add a version consistent with the POM file

Run successfully

Finally, the spark version used is 3.0

[Solved] elastic search, blocked by: index read-only/allow delete (api)

Recently, I found that the index failed during index, and then I looked at the log

The following exception is found: blocked by: [binding/12/index read only/allow delete (API)]

Find the reason

By command: http://localhost:9200/indexName/_settings? pretty , check found, read_only_allow_delete”: “true”

Indexes can only be read-only or deleted

Most of this happens because the disk is full. When the utilization rate exceeds 95%, elasticsearch will force the operation that data cannot be written


1. Clear disk space

2. Read_only_allow_Set delete to false

    "index.blocks.read_only_allow_delete": "false"

Acknowledged = true indicates successful execution

3. Query the index configuration again, and you can see “read_only_allow_Delete = false”, then you can index the data

[Solved] rabbitmq Error: Failed to start RabbitMQ broker

systemctl start rabbitmq-server

Error Messages:

Error: unable to connect to node rabbit@sf206152: nodedown
Jun 21 17:11:12 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: {bad_return,
Jun 21 17:11:12 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: {{rabbit,start,[normal,[]]},
Jun 21 17:11:12 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: {‘EXIT’,
Jun 21 17:11:12 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: {rabbit,failure_during_boot,
Jun 21 17:11:12 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: {error,
Jun 21 17:11:12 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: {schema_integrity_check_failed,
Jun 21 17:11:12 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: [{table_attributes_mismatch,rabbit_user,
Jun 21 17:11:12 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: [username,password_hash,tags],
Jun 21 17:11:12 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: [username,password_hash,tags,
Jun 21 17:11:12 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: hashing_algorithm]}]}}}}}}}
Jun 21 17:11:12 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: Log files (may contain more information):
Jun 21 17:11:12 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: /var/log/rabbitmq/[email protected]
Jun 21 17:11:12 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: /var/log/rabbitmq/[email protected]
Jun 21 17:11:13 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: {“init terminating in do_boot”,{rabbit,failure_during_boot,{could_not_start,rabbit,{bad_return,{{rabbit,start,[normal,[]]},{‘EXIT’,{rabbit,failure_du
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmq-server[31112]: init terminating in do_boot ()
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 systemd[1]: rabbitmq-server.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmqctl[31207]: Stopping and halting node rabbit@sf206152 …
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmqctl[31207]: Error: unable to connect to node rabbit@sf206152: nodedown
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmqctl[31207]: DIAGNOSTICS
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmqctl[31207]: ===========
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmqctl[31207]: attempted to contact: [rabbit@sf206152]
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmqctl[31207]: rabbit@sf206152:
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmqctl[31207]: * connected to epmd (port 4369) on sf206152
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmqctl[31207]: * epmd reports: node ‘rabbit’ not running at all
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmqctl[31207]: no other nodes on sf206152
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmqctl[31207]: * suggestion: start the node
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmqctl[31207]: current node details:
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmqctl[31207]: – node name: rabbitmqctl31207@sf206152
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmqctl[31207]: – home dir: /var/lib/rabbitmq
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 rabbitmqctl[31207]: – cookie hash: cmvEv4p7/gNkQVUvRdn10w==
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 systemd[1]: rabbitmq-server.service: control process exited, code=exited status=2
Jun 21 17:11:14 sf206152 systemd[1]: Failed to start RabbitMQ broker.
— Subject: Unit rabbitmq-server.service has failed
— Defined-By: systemd
— Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

— Unit rabbitmq-server.service has failed.

— The result is failed.

[email protected], rabbit@localhost, rabbit@localhost-plugins-expand exist in the /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia directory. After deleting these 3 items, use systemctl start rabbitmq-server to start.

# Start stop restart
service rabbitmq-server start
service rabbitmq-server stop
service rabbitmq-server restart

# View status
rabbitmqctl cluster_status
rabbitmqctl status

Add a new user
[root@sf106212 etc]# rabbitmqctl add_user admin admin@2015
View current user list
[root@sf106212 etc]# rabbitmqctl list_users
Set user role super administrator (administrator)
[root@sf106212 etc]# rabbitmqctl set_user_tags admin administrator
Set user permissions
[root@sf106212 etc]# rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p/admin “.*” “.*” “.*”
View the authority information of the specified user
[root@sf106212 etc]# rabbitmqctl list_user_permissions admin
Listing permissions for user “admin” …
/ .* .* .*

# Start the configuration automatically start
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
service rabbitmq-server start
chkconfig rabbitmq-server on

[Solved] vivado implementation Execute Error: Unsupported PLLE2_ADV connectivity…….

[DRC REQP-1712] Input clock driver: Unsupported PLLE2_ADV connectivity. The signal u_clk_wiz_0/inst/clk_in1 on the u_clk_wiz_0/inst/plle2_adv_inst/CLKIN1 pin of u_clk_wiz_0/inst/plle2_adv_inst with COMPENSATION mode ZHOLD must be driven by a clock capable IO.

According to the prompt information, there should be a problem with the configuration of the clocking wizard.

After selecting PLL, adjust the source from “single ended clock capable pin” to “global buffer”. No error will be reported when implementing again.