Server SSL certificate verification failed: certificate has expired, issuer is not trusted

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Unable to connect to a repository at URL ‘ https://xxxxx/svn/include ‘

Server SSL certificate verification failed: certificate has expired, issuer is not trusted

Open the terminal, just type a few SVN commands, such as SVN update, and then the terminal will pop up an error message to you, indicating that the verification failed
for example, SVN update,
pop up error validating server certificate for ‘ https://192.168.0.XX :XXX’:
– The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
– The certificate hostname does not match.
Certificate information:
– Hostname: WIN-11181526
– Valid: from Mon, 18 Nov 2013 08:00:53 GMT until Thu, 16 Nov 2023 08:00:53 GMT
– Issuer: WIN-11181526
– Fingerprint: 84:10:b8:1c:58:6c:0f:78:42:d9:68:66:18:a4:c6:cc:fb:91:83:27
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently?

the pop-up prompt tells you that you need to re verify. R means that you don’t intend to verify, t and P means that you are temporary and always believe. You can enter P, and a prompt will pop up to let you enter your password, such as authentication realm: & lt; https://192.168.0.XX :XXX> Visualsvn server
password for ‘liuj’:

at this time, you only need to enter the password (it will be verified twice)
and then you will execute your earliest SVN command (in this case, SVN update)

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