Troubleshooting method for mobile phone automation: original error: the instrumentation process cannot be initialized


1. Re execute – & gt; Phenomenally, it is found that the target app is not opened on the mobile phone, and the same error is always reported

Original error: the instrumentation process cannot be initialized
2. The error report includes: at uiautomator2server.startsession. It is preliminarily suspected that it is io.appium.uiautomator2.server app

Check that skipserverinstallation: true
in config is changed to skipserverinstallation: false
3. Execute it again and it is successful ✅
4. Then change skipserverinstallation: true
(in this way, io.appium.uiautomator2.server will not be installed again next time)

Root cause:
io.appium.uiautomator2.server is not installed on the new device,
and skipserverinstallation in the local configuration: true,
– & gt
in this way, the installation of io.appium.uiautomator2.server will be skipped,
resulting in the failure of the new device to start the server normally

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